+7(495) 604-43-47

Sports club of rhythmic gymnastics

It is impossible to argue on beauty of rhythmic gymnastics.
Smooth, flowing from one movement in another which are a whole is very bewitching show.
But except improbable, attracting views, magic effect of the symphony of the body, the gymnast during trainings also significantly strengthen the health.

  • we Carry out a set to group of children of 4 years
  • the Cost of the subscription is at 12 occupations of-3500 rub
  • the Schedule of W чт сб – 10.00
  • Beginning of occupations on October 1
  • Record by phone +7 495 604 43 47


trainer художественная гимнастика для детей

Goremykina Evgenia Sergeevna. Head coach of club.
Rank – MSMK (the master of sports of the international class on rhythmic gymnastics)
the Pupil (TsOP) of the Center of the Olympic preparation of Irina Wiener. Graduate РГУФКСиТа.
Member of the National team of Russia. The absolute Champion of Russia in group exercises.

Evgenia Sergeevna the successful expert, with experience, as in sports and dances, and pedagogics of activity not only in the territory of our country, but in the USA and the countries of Europe.

It is attentive to identity of each child, skillfully emphasizes advantages of young grace. Its trainings capture attention of children the saturation and a variety that in a consequence leads to achievement of goals.



Frolov Tatyana Igorevn

The master of sports on rhythmic gymnastics. Three multiple champion of Moscow. Teaching experience of 7 years. Experience abroad.

Tatyana Igorevna, one of the best specialists of our club. The most talented gymnast, now teacher innovator. Children very much love it! Trainings turn out difficult, but effective. But that we most of all appreciate in Tatyana Igorevna, so it is non-standard approach to trainings. Its creative life as sportswomen allows it to vary technicians and styles of pedagogical skill as the trainer. And that fact that it worked in the best dancing collectives of the World and now passes on all the enormous experience to children, in the most interesting statements, distinguishes its versatility, as expert.

Tatyana Igorevna master of an image! Its statements don’t leave indifferent anybody. She is able to create a bewitching complete image, to develop the whole history even in small composition, and to transmit all palette of her emotions through body movements.

Rhythmic gymnastics

The most spectacular and improbably beautiful sport which found million admirers and the world popularity is rhythmic gymnastics . It isn’t simple competition where wins the against the strongest, this harmonious, elegant connection of dancing and acrobatic elements which are an embodiment of grace and feminity of the sportswoman.

It is desirable to begin occupations with early age. The rhythmic gymnastics for children in Moscow allows to develop not only good muscles, but also forms strong will, disciplines and promotes development of plasticity, an emotionality and rhythm. In total three orientations of gymnastics are allocated: the main, applied and sports.

The main gymnastics is applied to strengthening of health and support of a physical form. It promotes development of a bearing, flexibility and symmetry of a body. Usually it is included into the program of physical development in educational institutions.



choreography – this comprehensive value which includes all possible interpretations of dancing art. In the all-European understanding choreography is set of such two areas, as the ballet and directly dance.

The ballet is a peak form of choreographic art. Exactly here it rises by the highest level of musical and scenic representation. The system of the European classical dance became the main means of expression of the ballet. The program of preparation of ballet dancers developed during historical development of the direction. classical dance , urged to create a complex from several main disciplines of scenic dance became a basis of this program: characteristic dance, duetno-classical, modern, historical dance and acting.