+7(495) 604-43-47

Fitness of the yogi in Moscow

Classes gives

Vera Kozlova

Instructor station wagon
I graduated from the institute the Modern Art,
on a choreography class
In the specialty: Teacher-ballet master
The certified fitness coach
Carries out trainings: step, aerobics, slide,
stretch, pilates, dancing directions, cycle, yoga.

Classes are given individually and in mini-groups

  • The cost of an occupation is 1200 rubles
    subscription on 5 personal occupations of 4000 rubles
    The subscription includes pool visit
    The cost of occupations in group 4000 – 12 occupations a month,
    unlimited visit of a gym is included in the subscription
    One-time visit of 600 rub.

Pilates is one of varieties of gymnastics which was developed on the basis of yoga exercises. This technique appeared in the middle of the 12th century. It is directed on creation of the most harmonic in every respect bodies and possesses maximum efficiency and universality. Pilates of an occupation represent a harmonic technique of creation of an ideal body and opportunity to use these methods in movement. The technique perfectly approaches both beginning, and to skilled athletes. In our club you will be able to receive sufficient physical activity.

Proceeding from a method developed by Pilates, the person shall lead a healthy lifestyle. It can develop only through harmony of spiritual and physical characteristics. During development of this technique Joseph Pilates strictly believed that these methods will be able to be actual about 50 more years.

Our technique of occupations is directed by Pilates on achievement of the following purposes: to organism relaxation, endurance development, creation of the correct bearing and formation of the correct breathing. All occupations begin with a full relaxation of an organism. For the majority of people who got used to begin own sports activities with intensive warm-up and physical activities, such state of affairs can seem to the wrong. Actually is a starting point of counting of a technique of occupations Pilates. Each person shall learn to reveal and get rid of voltage sources in own body. Also, occupations are directed on formation of the correct bearing at people. In case of systematic repetitions of a row of exercises, you will be able to align own bearing for a short time frame. We will help you to give regularly due number of attention to the correct layout of your joints that will lead to formation of the correct bearing of your body. Visiting occupations, you will be able to normalize the respiratory system.

On the first occupations on fitness to Pilates, it can become very problematic occupation, but afterwards, you will be able to adapt and is successful to master all cycle of this technique. It is explained by double-sided correlation between a brain and muscles.

For people who never went in for sports before, we can offer the suitable program. This technique includes the facilitated complex of methods of occupations.